OMRI Listed

Please Note, all products listed represent what we carry throughout the year but may not be available. Please email us with specific inventory requests here.

Baicor Nutra-Green

FertilizerOMRI Listed

Carbon One Fertilizer

FertilizerOMRI Listed

Fertilome Organic Seed & Cutting Starter Mix

AmendmentsOMRI Listed

G&B All Purpose Fertilizer

FertilizerOMRI Listed

G&B Bud & Bloom Fertilizer

FertilizerOMRI Listed

G&B Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertilizer

EdiblesFertilizerOMRI Listed

G&B Harvest Supreme

CompostMulchSoilOMRI Listed

G&B RAC Fertilizer

FertilizerOMRI Listed

G&B Rhododendron, Azalea & Camellia Fertilizer

FertilizerOMRI Listed

G&B Rose & Flower Fertilizer

FertilizerOMRI Listed

G&B Soil Building Conditioner

CompostMulchSoilOMRI Listed

G&B Starter Fertilizer

FertilizerOMRI Listed

G&B Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer

EdiblesFertilizerOMRI Listed

GAIG Remix Pre-Plant Soil Boost Pot & Raised Bed

FertilizerOMRI Listed

Harris Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade

InsecticideOMRI Listed

Monterey Complete Disease Control

OMRI ListedFungicide

Monterey Horticultural Oil

OMRI Listed

Monterey Liquid Copper Fungicide

FungicideOMRI Listed

Monterey Sluggo Maxx

InsecticideOMRI Listed

Monterey Sluggo Plus

InsecticideOMRI Listed


AmendmentsOMRI Listed