Emerald Pothos

Epipremnum aureum ‘Emerald’


Epipremnum aureum (Emerald pothos) Truly one of the easiest house plants making this a great choice for beginners or gardeners who are short on time. This plant is an excellent choice for a hanging basket as it will produce long vines full of vibrant green leaves. You can try staking the vines up to mimic what this plant does in nature and it will reward you by growing larger leaves. Pothos plants thrive in 8 hours of medium/bright indirect light, but it can tolerate much lower light conditions. Don't overwater these guys, you will not need to water your plant until the soil is almost completely dry all the way through the pot. They will tell you when they are thirsty by slightly drooping leaves.
Botanical Name
Epipremnum aureum ‘Emerald’
Soil Type
Well Draining
Foliage Colors
Dark Green