Persian Spire™ Ironwood

Parrotia persica


Persian Spire™ Ironwood, also known as Parrot Tree.

Selecting a park strip tree is an important part of any landscape plan, but not all trees will work in such a potentially challenging spot. One tree that's a safe bet is a Parrotia, commonly known as Persian Ironwood.

Parrotias are medium-sized, single trunk, deciduous trees with foliage that emerges purplish in spring, maturing to deep green in summer and then a display of yellow, orange, red and burgundy in the fall. With time, the bark begins to exfoliate to expose greenish white and tan patches, adding additional interest.

Parrotias do not tolerate excessively moist conditions, so they're ideally suited for the sort of water environment typical of park strips. Of course, reliable water is required to get them established, but you can taper off as the trees mature. The Persian Spire cultivar is especially nice for park strips due to its slender crown that maxes out at 20' with a 10' spread.

Botanical Name
Parrotia persica
Sun Exposure
Full Sun
Soil Type
Well Draining
Foliage Colors
Dark Green
Water Requirements
