Soil Moist


Soil Moist:

  • Stores over 200 times its weight in tap water

  • Releases a steady supply of water as your plants need it

  • Non-toxic, safe and economical to use

  • Reduces plant watering by 50%**

  • Reduces transplant shock

  • Lasts several seasons**

An effective water management aid that is ideal for interior and exterior plantings such as for trees, shrubs, containers, baskets, flower beds, vegetables and turf. Soil Moist acts as a form of insurance for the plant and is environmentally friendly.**

Soil Moist must be incorporated into the soil at the root level of the plant/green good. Do not top dress or place on the surface. All of our products should be kept out of drains. Dispose of in trash container. If material should enter a drain, add table salt and flush with hot water. Although our products are non-toxic and environmentally safe, they are not food products and should not be taken internally.

Learn more here:

