Umbrella Grass / Umbrella Palm

Cyperus alternifolius


One of the quintesstial pond plants, this is a true aquatic. Radiating outward from the tops of its terminal stems are the leaves that give this plant its common name. A very vigorous plant, umbrella grass may require division every couple of years. If not divided the center can become woody and devoid of foliage. Grows 4-6' tall and clumping.Grow in wet soil or water 12'' deep. Zone 7 but easily over winters indoors as a house plant. If you don't want to bring the whole plant in, simply remove some tops and root in damp sand or water for next years plants. 'Nanus' is a dwarf variety 2 -3' tall and wide. 'Variegatus' Is a very striking plant. Remove the green leaves to keep it from reverting.

Botanical Name
Cyperus alternifolius
Soil Type
Foliage Colors
Dark Green
Water Requirements
